
A, B, C, D are not the cause.
A, B, C, D are the grass which makes wind visible.
Which way is the wind blowing? Watch the grass.

Happens because happening is what happens. Do I make myself clear? Below the surface manifestations, a current which can be seen in all things it moves through.

This is the basis for all divination.


Whilst we concede that LIFE is a plain of interminable tedium punctuated by spurs and outcrops of pain and bleak despair, what we will insist on is that LIFE retains the capacity for surprise.
Tossing gratuitous messiahs into the gears of HISTORY,
wanton miracles, sunbursts of outrageous happiness,
 if only rarely and always capriciously.
                 Paltry poetaster, don’t encourage him, no sense of civic responsibility.
    Never understood what things are worth.       

The game whirled around me, this slack jawed idiot, unaware of any game being played at all.
Everything is clearer now, though the rules and goals remain sketchy.
Is it ethically permissible to win? Even if it were possible? I would be a mascot, allowed to kick the penalty when the team is 5-0 up. Rather not be patronised. Better to snarl on the margins. Loser.
They break people.
NURTURE RESENTMENT. Something to feed off. Become
FERAL.  The enemy may be smiling, may possess, ‘an easy bonhomie’
I can do anything, anything at all. Why should I only use my magical powers for good?
I might use them for wickedness, I don’t know, I haven’t decided yet. I am the feral child,
 whim-blown, petulantly idle.
             When I was young I done a drawing, a good one, was showing it off to the class
And some other kid, Simon, grabbed it from me and ripped it up. I was upset, probably on the brink of hot tears, but now, I sympathise. Nowadays, I would do the same thing.
Who are you to make something pretty? Who are you to try?
Here is one school of artistic criticism. My school. Who are you sucking up to? Who are those words addressed to? Who are you trying to impress? Who do you think is going to give you a gold star?
Rip it to shreds. Watch them cry. Good. Take that to the headmaster.
                                            I know better. That’s why I’m in charge.
Picture me second guessing myself. Picture me curtseying. I don’t beg favours. Let me in,
Or leave me shivering in the doorway, it’s all the same to me. I can pretend to like the rain, if that’s
What’s needed,
 to deny someone else
the satisfaction
 of sending me out into it.

I can do anything, but we all know I will never be anything but perverse. If you clap, clap for this, not because I stood on my hind legs, jumped through a hoop or chased a bedraggled tennis ball.
Clap for something you don’t like, clap for something you don’t understand, clap for something you want dead. That’s a victory worth winning. No novel of manners for you, no high minded essay, no insipid lyric that’s not deflated with a bad joke. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. I don’t have to prove how clever I am. I don’t have to simper through a degree, I don’t have to beg for publication in a journal I have nothing but contempt for, won’t pretend to share your values or the complacency of your assumptions. I can cope just fine. SO, now that we understand one another, let us continue...
I am a long term practitioner of self-sabotage, an artist of scuppered opportunities. I want the gold throne and won’t be fobbed off with anything less. Scorched earth. That’s what I offer. Want in? Show me what you got. Wild Bunch. Ride through desolate plateau of misshapen rock and sand storms. Exit in flurry of hot lead. Barge through salon doors, spit tobacco on the polished floor. Will you be cowed? No cowards allowed in my gang. Got to be quick on the draw and savour the smell of cordite.
Pfft- blow smoke from the grey barrel.
                   Write a poem like the ones in Faber books. Get it printed in the Observer.
Ventriloquism. The tone of voice. Insipid. Neurasthenic. Faintly irritable.
Begin by talking about poem-
              The poem is
A cereal box, out of which, one might pull
A small, plastic toy.
             Feel pleased with oneself, sip lemsip.
A few lines, don’t try their patience.
    End on deflated note,

Mere semantics.
The reward for abstaining is revoked for indulging.
The punishment for withholding is lifted following the offering.
Smoke summons gods to the feast-                 
In the long grass
Where crickets sing.
The yellow stalks (summer) enfold us, ward off evil sprits
Children of the sun, reflection of the sun’s radiance
In golden cradle, and sun overhead.
Possibility of REDEMPTION
 is renewed with every INBREATH.
Where willows swoon, the wee one
Doffs his cap.

Long yellow grass excludes the world, within its walls, a different reality can be enacted.
Preamble-what is the writer? The one who writes/
Encodes, from one order of reality/
To another.
            In the suave air-
The long yellow stalk, the flowering
EYE -chasing a butterfly through the flowers, meadow roving, pausing in the flowers. 
SATANIC ENGINES threaten this idyll
Depending as it does,
On a background of stillness,
Against which movement can be registered
And a background silence,
Into which birds cut their song.

To dream of marriage
and wake wearing a ring.
                   Fierce constellation.
“all my dreams are coming true,
the proper prelude to any disaster.”
            Yellow roses out the window.

The heron exists within its own field of silence, is marked out by it
                  FIERCE CONCENTRATION.
This is why the heron.

Who was it? Mouths mouth words mind never formulated. Convention speaks.
       “see ya mate, yeah see ya mate, see you mate, yeah see ya mate”
Who was it, wandering blankly through the stage sets? I don’t remember any of it.
Maintenance of the Ritual. I am what I yam.
What is true in condition a, deflates, becomes comical
Under condition b. Is still true, but not here.
King at point a in gyre, fool at point b.
     Don’t hold tongue, wait too long, and it won’t be true anymore,
     Spit it out while it’s still hot. Act.
The words can become hollow when the sentence is still in the mouth,
Trail off, embarrassment.


Kingfisher fleet flight blue bolt
Dart dophin bends back, an emergence
And a disappearance.
Lady in the Lake. Toad calls.
The names and faces recur.
Portal of Mortals.
Recurring recurring.
I have known every man, every woman.
Horn of Dawn
Freshness of the Morning, of dew
Mist conceals the gods.
Rebirth, again.
Portal of Mortals,
Pass Gate. Hello Again.
This one says, 28
28 gates,
To pass through,
One after the other.
Gyre and Gimble
And yet,
This is no closed system
I will not allow it.
I have made myself quite clear,
The New will be born
Even if it must split open the head of the father.
The Slave States will fall.
New Proofs will overturn the Dogma.
Sound, Horn of Dawn. Beginning.
A Matter of Time.
The signs at first are fleeting but unambiguous,
Dorsal fin breaks water, disappears
Kingfishers catch flame
And are gone.
Magic re-enters the circuit,
Makes Presence Felt.
Still Reality is sluggish, unresponsive,
Dance, dance,
But this,
Is but the beginning.

We say, not just a new dawn, but a new type of dawn
Two suns, one yellow, one red.

-On Reincarnation
“You should know that for my sins I have not yet merited to attain to this wisdom.”

Should we talk of them?
They came through the walls and took me.

“beings of whom I know nothing except that they are invisible, subtle, and perhaps
They don’t like to be talked about, not openly, not in a way you could understand.
But I ain’t afraid of no ghosts.

They are all around you, but they are not here.

‘the force, it’s got a lot of power’

"They're fornicating with elves in an effort to forge a forbidden Master Race!"

“the creatures thus produced are called ‘the plagues of the children of men’ they can transform themselves only in appearance as human beings, but they have no hair on their heads.”

Crosskeys. St Luke 66.
I’m not no Ox I’m a sleek, red fox.
Iceni. Boudica. Every symbol doubling and redoubling.
Eye of the Peacock. Butterfly.
My name is Matteo.  recurring recurring. The book itself is magic. Bourne aloft on the Eagle’s back.
Catholic Church as Roman Empire. Continuation of. Anti-Christ. Literally, anti Christ. The Enemy.
The Empire Never Ended.
The Buzzard with the Broad wings. Crow harassed.
The Kingfisher. Brought into being, blue shrapnel, flung out over water,
But no figment of Imagination. Puerile, puerile. Confirmation Bias. 66.
Hear  your own name, your ears prick up.
St. Stephen’s in Red Sandstone. Hangman God.
Crocodile. The same eye above the waterline,
Watching for a million years. Blood on the Raptor’s bill,
Peter’s House, in Exeter-
And the Saints all carry swords. St. Enoch. Church Militant. Father, Father,
Tell us of the Children’s Crusade.
            A theologian speaks-
“If each one of us is a reincarnation of one already born, and yet, the present population of the world exceeds the number of those who have lived and died
Some of us, necessarily, it would seem to me, are duplicates, clones, one soul but many avatars.”
There are 12 people in the world. Paste. Gaze into Omphalos. Rummage through sock drawer of Genetic Memory.
Wombtent and heartbeat, the red light. The bloodsoup. Staggering onto land, drawn by the sun, the sun.
Sun called us, fin legged, waddling, scales imprinted in mud. Yes Father, We Obey Father.
Unrepentant Bergsonian. The Intelligence belongs to everything. The Intelligence is not a property of the individual.
More akin to the Oxygen. The same. Air to Lung is Intelligence to Brain.
Eagle Mind is Human Mind. Human Mind is Plant Mind. The Blackberry tendril searching for soil, to dig down, to become root.
The epiphyte, The Strangler.
The Crocodile. Mind is Mind is Mind.
Evolution led by intelligence. The intelligence which reaches out, feeling, like the vine, for something to hold onto.
I revive every heresy. You can’t fool me, I’m a beliver. Leo, since you ask, Fire Sign, The Sun God with Golden Diadem.
I don’t like Bombs and I don’t like chess players. Hey@!-
Leave me out of it!
            She made it up off the spur of her head
Wu Shu. Do you know your 4-X-Table?
            And the ships came in, smelling of saffron
The crocodile
            And all the spices of the Mysterious Orient.
Inscrutable type, can’t make him out.
Kali, births child, eats it. They know how to square the circle, yer average Asiatic, spiritual, higher plane of consciousness y’see.
Not me, long line of plebs and puritans, barbarians, butter in the hair, pale blue eyes
Inheritor of no classical tradition, drinking songs and superstition, that’s my baggage.
Pantheon of arseslappers, drunkards, boors and braggarts.
See a Rome and we burn it, bring ‘em down to our level. Scratching your name on the pyramids. Farting in the sermon.
Gnawing chicken bones in medieval theme restaurants.
Chaucers. Fun for all the Family. Waitress in a wimple.
            And then, hundreds of years later, do it all again. Burn another Rome, Reform, tear down the abbeys, sell the lectern for scrap, beer money. And nothing wrong with that, I might add. Protestantism gives rise to the atheist. Inevitably,
The unity of the dream is broken.
But the true hyperborean is no sullen atheist, shaking his fist at god.
            And then I saw her face...
I’M A BELIVER. I believe in everything.
Henry, the boorish, broadbellied brute begun it, in a fit of pique,
Broke the spell, sheer bloody mindedness. No man tells me what to do. –stamps foot-
            All that is great in the history of England
No man tells me what to do.
No need to speechify about it, dress it up in fine costumes, primp and preen, post protestations on the bossman’s door-
And if he doesn’t like it, chop his head off.
            But, I grow sentimental.
Wat Tyler. Jack Straw. Double crossed and strung up. Hangman God.
Ruthless in the protection of privilege. Peterloo.
Doff cap to Lizard Line, creatures of the old blood,
The coldblooded.
The Drunken Saxon and his Lizard Lords. The literal minded Saxon,
2 and 2 is 4 and we’ll hear no more about it. Put the poet on the dunking stool.
EMPIRE. Power from the barrel of a gun.
‘ah, but the roads dear boy, the railways’
Out, out damned spot.
The sharks follow the ships,
What do poets know of politics?

Geoffrey Hill Now, that’s a real poet, likes old churches, hates rap music, Simon Jenkins with line breaks,
Humane type, but sadly, I am, I confess, a baleful Jacobin. Can’t see a Palace of Versailles without the bones it’s built on. Nice garden, gruesome compost. Still, rich tapestry of life eh,
Births child, gobbles it up, the rich are always with us don’t you know.
House on the hill, high walls.
    -ah, Dear Wat, dear Jack, we understand your concerns, we are on the side of the people, hadn’t realised how bad things had got. We’ve been remiss I agree, failures of oversight,
A debate we need to have, you’ve done us a great service, bringing this to our attention,
Can’t condone your methods, but well, perhaps, in the circumstances....

Swinging in the wind,
limp as scarecrows stuffed with straw.

Pulp History. German Tai Chi instructor in leather jacket scours countryside round renne le chataeu for entrypoint to vast immemorial conspiracy.

Marygodivinian Blood Line.

Poking around in caves by torchlight, drawing lines on the map, they always draw lines on the map.
“You should know that for my sins I have not yet merited to attain to this wisdom.”
I’m stuck on level 16. Repeat level indefinitely. Can’t get past the Cave of Zelda’s Treasure.
It’s getting frustrating.
            You should know, that for my sins....

In an Australian Espresso Bar a game of Oneman-upman-ship is in progress
            “I do adore Paris in the Spring mate”
“lovely place, romantic, know this great little bistro”
            “Nothing better than catching the Metro to Montmartre”
“oh, I’ve never got the Metro, mate, we always take a taxi”

Network of Caves. Tora Bora. Riddled with Disinformation, Misdirection,
The Magician’s Art.
            You have drawn them a diagram of your psyche. PECCADILLOES,
Is the approved word. The ghost of Hoover, J. Edgar,
Hovers, disembodied, over the data stream. Grist to the Blackmill.
Who or where are the Marygodivians? Who is concealing them?
            Who are the SHAPE SHIFTING LIZARD LORDS?
Who prays to the Crocodile?
            And what does the Crocodile give them in return?

Is Power a form of Possession?
Retired General’s Repent, Once the Spirit’s left them
            All in vain. Shoulda never Napalmed that village.
Inhumane, didn’t even make strategic sense,
Now’s too late for penitence-
            The god demands the sacrifice.
Be careful then, who you prey to. Each Angel is Also a Devil. Dual-Named.
Gabriel/Azreal. CROCODILE TEARS.

My name is MUD.
            “Sheila’s working for the U.N, general attaché”
“Kev’s a libel lawyer in London,
His secretary’s got a secretary, would ya believe it!”

Sweet smell of success. Like it or Lump it, Pikelet or Crumpet.
A Red Scarf is Recommended, if you Want to Win.
            right place, right time.
Right Red Scarf. Mere Cash.

I have etched the sacred mandala on the map and right in the centre lay
            TOMB OF GOD!
Holy Brood! Blood Line of the Messiah! It were a sign what led me to it.
Countryside crowded with seekers. Crytoarcheologists. Excavators of Myth, one
Crouched in every cave.
Every so often,
 they say,
one finds what he was looking for,
But never lives to tell the tale.
Chaos in Akashic Archive!
Karmic Records Scrambled!
No Just Desserts!

“by the help of an image
I call to my own opposite, summon all’
That i have handled least, least looked upon.”

Mere Messiah. Redeemer of History. Bestows New Dream.
 Lays it over World, like a tablecloth/